Founding partner history

By Francisco Barranco Marquez, founding partner
That I am getting older is evident, but because of time, not because I try now to outline the history of the firm that I founded in late 1977. It could be said that our firm goes back in time to an earlier date than its own foundation. Then we could say that the period preceding the strict date of the foundation could be considered as the beginnings of the firm, and this is because the matter we dealt with as advisors was absolutely the same as what we had been dealing with for 20 years back to 1957 when I started my working life in the construction company Corsan Corvian, where I ended my services as Head of Administration and where I developed my professional activity until the opening and start of a new stage. I kept working without interruption, in what I was doing, advising on insurance and labour, from the year 1977,with no other change than who was the recipient of our services, a private company of first level in my beginnings and private clientele, small and medium enterprises, individuals, afterward.
Our office was characterized from the beginning by the personal approach, humanity and by putting ourselves in our customers’ shoes when dealing with them.
I did not ever advise on labour and / or tax matters without having the certainty that we were within the law, regardless of statements and comments, on occasion self-interested, that our customers could have made.
Our work in the new stage remained fundamentally professional, honest and based on written reports, following the incorporation of my children Juan Francisco and Noelia as Directors- Partners.
Our working method sometimes even educated the labour and tax behaviour of many customers. We have always had the motto, and so I have passed to my children, partners of the firm, to treat customers be they of a high economic capacity or modest and humble with the same interest and respect and likewise a quantitatively important problem or a small one. This warm treatment, this aspect of the relationship with customers, remains in the foreground, and it is the first thing that we try to inculcate in young professionals who join our firm.
A special mention to the whole group that makes up our firm , partners , lawyers, social graduates , specialists in administration and business management , specialists in insurance mediation , in information systems , administrative workers, some of them with a long-standing association , whose training, conduct and working spirit have helped to consolidate the characteristics that have been described above .
In the history of our Consultancy Firm, it must be highlighted a milestone that may be considered relevant, when, in 2004 , it was concluded that we could not grow if we did not expand the range of legal specialties that we could cover with guarantees of solvency.
That growth was not intended to have more customers, or to earn more money, but only to provide the customer with a comprehensive service that would allow them to solve any legal problem without having to knock on other doors. The task was made possible thanks to the dynamism and work capacity of the current personnel , which has made this growth compatible with the preservation of the human imprint of professionalism and quality that has always been a distinctive trait and emblem of our company.
The incorporation of external advisors, leading experts in their fields, has without doubt contributed.
From January 1st 2016, and close to the 40th anniversary of our foundation, we will continue providing our services as a professional limited company, the most appropriate instrument, we believe, to perform with maximum rigor, professionalism and diligence our activity. In addition the technological approach to our customers, from the creation of an extranet with them, and the purpose of a certification of quality of our advisory services in labour and tax areas, represent the next challenge in short term that we have commissioned ourselves.
The Firm Barranco is still a family, and this is what I 'm most proud of , and my children, managing partners at present, too, and we have passed this legacy, the imprint I wanted to impart from the beginning around 1977 , to the current group of professionals and employees of the firm.